General Questions

What makes Author.Inc different from traditional publishing or ghostwriting?
Do you help flesh out my book idea?
Do I need to write the book myself?
Will the book really sound like me?
How long does the process take?
Who is Author.Inc for?
What's the return on investment (ROI) beyond just book sales?
Can Author.Inc help me market my book?
Do I retain ownership and control of my book with Author.Inc?
How does the 2-day recording session work?
How can you write and publish a book so fast without compromising quality?

Author Package Questions

What does ‘Book Vision & Strategy’ actually include?
What is included in ‘Detailed Chapter Outlines?
How does the ‘2-Day Recording Session’ work?
What does ‘Completed Manuscript’ actually mean?
What is the ‘Editing & Publishing Plan’?
What do I get from ‘1-Year of Weekly Coaching’?

Impact Package Questions

What level of editing is included in ‘Professional Editing’?
What does ‘Cover & Interior Design’ include?
What does ‘Author.Inc Imprint’ mean?
How does ‘Global Amazon Distribution’ work?
What does ‘Done With You Marketing’ actually include?

Icon Package Questions

What is the ‘Iconic Author Retreat’?
What does ‘Multi-Year Brand Strategy’ include?
What does ‘Exclusive VIP Access’ actually mean?